Love one another. Stop being mean. Every day is a blessing for me to get up out of my bed and go and people and appreciate them.
1. What led you to the mission of being a greeter?
My niece was working at the restaurant and she got me the job. I had retired and I said I wanted to get up and find something for me to do – give me some time to get up and go out with the people. She worked for McDonald’s and she got me in. I met a person there, Mary, and she encouraged me to do this. She really did. I worked in restaurants all my life – restaurants, hotels, motels, steak houses. I retired from Ruth’s Chris Steak House. I’ve been busy ever since.
2. What does this mission mean to you?
It means a whole lot. It means a whole lot. I enjoy what I do. I enjoy meeting all the beautiful people. I like it. You’d be surprised at the people I meet and greet. I’m just one of them. I get to be with them. That’s beautiful.
3. What was your best day being a greeter?
Every day I go is my very best day. Everything doesn’t go my way. I don’t have too many complaints. People are just human beings. So you are going to have some that don’t like it and some do. So either way it goes, it doesn’t make any difference because I love them all.
4. What was your worst day being a greeter?
I don’t think I have any worst days. I think every day is a blessing for me to get up out of my bed and go and see these people and appreciate them for the company and for me.
5. How did you survive your worst day?
Jesus Christ. That’s what gives me the power and the courage to keep moving. I think it is beautiful.
6. What advice do you have for someone who would like to be a greeter?
Just keep praying and God will give you the mileage to keep moving. Love one another. Stop being mean. We don’t accomplish anything by being mean and ornery to another person. Everybody may not see it your way, but hey. We keep moving. Just have the courage. Love them all.
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